Given the long history of settlement in this area by Matheson families, it’s not surprising that many are buried in Leigh cemetery.

Iris Shirley Chitty, née Matheson (1928–2013)

Patricia Joan Cooke, née Matheson (1944–1993)

Alexander Douglas Matheson (1932–2017)

Alexander (Sandy) Jesse Matheson (1900–1973) and Agnes Mary Matheson (1903–1980)

Allen (Gordon) Matheson (1913–1991)
Vida Margaret Matheson (1912–1984)

Angus Matheson (d 1887)
Jessie Matheson (d 1900)

Angus Matheson (d 1915)

Catherine Matheson (d 1914)

Christie Ann Matheson (1863–1946)

Colin Robertson Matheson (d 1962)

Colleen Lorna Matheson (d 1949)

Donald John Matheson (d 1941)

Duncan Alexander Matheson (d 1956)

Duncan Keith Matheson (d 1969)

Ellen Matheson (d 1937)
(wife of Duncan Alexander)

Eva Cordelia Matheson (1863–1945)

Ewan Roderick Matheson (1932–2017)

Frances Jane Matheson (d 1955)

Ian Meiklejohn Matheson (1989–1972) and Mary Ellen Matheson (1897–1977)

Isabella Matheson (d 1890)

Isabella Linda Matheson (1903–1999)

John Donald Matheson (1942–2014)

Kay Matheson (1945–2009)

Norman McL Matheson
Master mariner

Roderick Matheson (1851–1915)

Rona Laura Wallace Matheson (1910–1995)

Ronald Douglas Matheson (d 1976)

Rosa Mary Haskell Matheson (1907–1992)