Family history

New publication tells the story of a Matheson from New Zealand

Our list of published family stories of New Zealand Mathesons has grown to six, with the addition of a new book about one person’s First World War service.  ‘Answering the call: Colin Matheson in the First World War’ tells the story of the father of Doug Matheson, who was trained to fight and sent to the Western

New publication tells the story of a Matheson from New Zealand Read More »

Updates to First World War pages

Clan member Zelda Matheson has been providing more material about Mathesons and Mathiesons from New Zealand who served in the First World War. On the ‘additional information’ page I’ve added death notices for brothers James Weir Matheson and Thomas Alexander Matheson, who died in Belgium (not France, as their death notices said) just two months apart

Updates to First World War pages Read More »

Great response about Mathesons who served in the First World War

There’s been a lot of response to the two articles on this website about Mathesons who served overseas and in New Zealand during the First World War.  People have written in with further information about some of these men, and sent photographs.  I’ve managed to track down contemporary photos of many of those listed, and have

Great response about Mathesons who served in the First World War Read More »

Family history help for Clan Matheson Society members

Joining the Clan Matheson Society gives you access to help with researching your own family history.  Margaret Faed does this work as a volunteer for the society in New Zealand, and tells how she got the family history ‘bug’: “How did I get started?  My mother-in-law was born Alice Matheson in Whorouly, in Australia.  The family

Family history help for Clan Matheson Society members Read More »