I’ve discovered two more publications about Mathesons in New Zealand, and profiled them on the Clan Matheson website.
By ‘Chance’ to Victoria is, despite the title, more about New Zealand than Australia. It recounts the stories of the families of John and Elizabeth Matheson and Christopher and Ann McRae.
The Paparimu Matheson family tree details the Mathesons who settled at Paparimu and Clevedon (both near Papakura in south Auckland). It contains transcripts and copies of original material dating back to the 1840s.
Publications such as this are invaluable treasuries of family stories and important parts of our history. Have you considered collecting your family stories and weaving them into an account that you can publish, in hard copy and/or online? How about kicking off this Christmas by talking to older relatives, and starting to scan and copy important family documents? Would starting such a project be a good New Year’s resolution?